Falun Dafa Books and Articles   info

Pub. Date Title/View Online PDF DOC Last Updated
3/2000 Zhuan Falun 893 K 867 K 8/04/2003
7/2006 Falun Gong 1.8 M 1.2 M 3/15/2007
4/2001 Essentials for Further Advancement 270 K 290 K 4/17/2001
7/2006 The Great Consummation Way of Falun Dafa 977 K 1.0 M 5/17/2007
2/2002 Explaining the Content of Falun Dafa 329 K 326 K 2/03/2002
12/2005 Zhuan Falun Fajie - The Law of Zhuan Falun Explained 461 K 638 K 12/19/2005
10/2005 Essentials for Further Advancement II 382 K 463 K 10/21/2005
3/2002 Guiding the Voyage 125 K 169 K 3/22/2002
1997 Lectures in the United States 150 K 234 K 12/9/2001
Hong Yin 75K 287K 8/04/2005
Hong Yin Vol. II 80K 250K 8/23/2006
Zhuan Falun (Volume II) 155K 201K 6/03/2008
Date Title/View Online PDF DOC Last Updated
Fa Teaching Given at the 2010 New York Fa Conference ---- ----
Be More Diligent ---- ----
Fa Teaching Given at the Epoch Times Meeting ---- ----
Fa Teaching Given at the Fa Conference Marking the Tenth Anniversary of the Minghui Website's Founding ---- ----
Fa Teaching at the 2009 Washington DC International Fa Conference ---- ----
Fa Teaching at the 2009 Greater New York International Fa Conference ---- ----
Fa Teaching Given at the NTDTV Meeting ---- ----
Fa Teaching at the 2008 New York Conference ---- ----
Fa Teaching at the U.S. Capital ---- ----
Fa Teaching at the 2007 New York Fa Conference ---- ----
Teaching the Fa at the Fa Conference at the U.S. Capital ---- ----
Fa Teaching Given in Manhattan ---- ----
Teaching the Fa in Canada, 2006 ---- ----
Teaching the Fa in the City of Los Angeles ---- ----
Teaching the Fa in San Francisco, 2005 ---- ----
Teaching the Fa in the City of Chicago ---- ----
Teaching the Fa at the 2005 Canada Fa Conference ---- ----
Teaching the Fa at the 2005 Manhattan International Fa Conference ---- ----
Teaching the Fa at the Western U.S. International Fa Conference ---- ----
Teaching the Fa at the 2004 International Fa Conference in New York ---- ----
Teaching the Fa at the 2004 Washington DC Fa Conference ---- ----
Teaching the Fa at the 2004 Chicago Conference ---- ----
Teaching the Fa at the Meeting with Asia-Pacific Students ---- ----
Teaching the Fa on Easter, 2004, at the New York Fa Conference ---- ----
Teaching the Fa at the 2004 Western U.S. Fa Conference ---- ----
Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Atlanta Fa Conference ---- ----
Teaching the Fa at the Discussion on Creating Fine Art ---- ----
Teaching the Fa at the Meeting on Writing Music ---- ----
Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Washington DC Fa Conference ---- ----
Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Midwest-U.S. Fa Conference ---- ----
Teaching the Fa at the Conference in Vancouver, Canada, in 2003 ---- ----
Teaching and Explaining the Fa at the Metropolitan New York Fa Conference ---- ----
Explaining the Fa During the 2003 Lantern Festival at the U.S. West Fa Conference ---- ----
Fa-Lecture During the 2003 Lantern Festival at the U.S. West Fa Conference ---- ----
Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Philadelphia, U.S.A. ---- ----
Teaching the Fa at the Washington, D.C. Fa Conference ---- ----
Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Boston ---- ----
Touring North America to Teach the Fa ---- ----
Fa-Lecture at the Conference in Florida, U.S.A. ---- ----
Teaching the Fa at the Conference in the Midwest-U.S. 133 K 172 K
Teaching the Fa at the Conference in Canada 164 K 205 K
Teaching the Fa at the Conference in New Zealand 167 K 194 K
Teaching the Fa at the Fa Conference in Australia 240 K 202 K
Teaching the Fa at the Eastern U.S. Fa Conference 208 K 235 K
Teaching the Fa at the Western U.S. Fa Conference 256 K 266 K
Teaching the Fa at the Conference in Switzerland 291 K 236 K
Teaching the Fa at the Conference in Singapore 245 K 207 K
Teaching the Fa at the Assistants' Fa Conference in Changchun 189 K 223 K
Teaching the Fa at the Conference in Europe 230 K 255 K
Lecture at the First Conference in North America 230 K 210 K
Teaching the Fa at the International Experience-Sharing Conference in Beijing 76 K 85 K
Teaching the Fa at the Conference in Houston 256 K 247 K
First Fa Teaching Given in the United States 79 K 106 K
Teaching the Fa at the Founding Ceremony of the Singaporean Falun Dafa Association 72 K 90 K
Lecture in Sydney 240 K 234 K
Pub. Date Title/View Online Last Updated
6/29/2010 Stirred by Reflection 6/29/2010
12/26/2009 To the First Fa Conference in India 12/26/2009
11/22/2009 To the European Fa Conference 11/22/2009
10/2009 To the Brazil Fa Conference 10/31/2009
9/27/2009 To the Midwestern US Fa Conference 9/28/2009
8/04/2009 Be Vigilant 8/05/2009
5/17/2009 Greetings 5/17/2009
11/16/2008 Again Wishing a Complete Success to the European Fa Conference 11/26/2008
4/14/2008 Clarification 4/15/2008
2/26/2008 Sifting of the Sand 2/26/2008
2/06/2008 Greetings 2/08/2008
12/15/2007 Greetings 12/15/2007
11/21/2007 To the France Fa Conference 11/21/2007
9/23/2007 To the European Fa Conference 9/23/2007
9/22/2007 To the Midwest Fa Conference in Minnesota 9/22/2007
5/19/2007 To the Canada Fa Conference 5/19/2007
4/13/2007 On the Novel The Cosmos's Calamity 4/13/2007
2/28/2007 Disintegrate Completely All the Meddling Deities in the Three Realms that Have a Hand in Interfering with Fa-Rectification 2/28/2007
2/21/2007 Further Remarks on "Politics" 2/21/2007
1/1/2007 My Thanks to Sentient Beings Who Have Sent Greetings 1/1/2007
11/18/2006 To the Australia Fa Conference 11/18/2006
10/24/2006 Thoroughly Dissolve the Evil 10/24/2006
7/1/2006 Opening the Gate of the World 7/1/2006
6/25/2006 To the Chicago Fa Conference 6/25/2006
6/15/2006 For the Good of the World 6/15/2006
5/26/2006 The Ukraine Fa Conference 5/26/2006
5/9/2006 Pass the Deadly Test 5/9/2006
2/9/2006 Eliminating the Evil 2/9/2006
12/31/2005 Congratulatory Message 12/31/2005
12/17/2005 A Reply to the Dafa Disciples of Peru 12/17/2005
12/3/2005 To the Israel Fa Conference 12/3/2005
10/29/2005 Mature 10/29/2005
10/19/2005 The Red Tide's Wane 10/19/2005
10/8/2005 The Closer to the End, the More Diligent You Should Be 10/8/2005
10/2/2005 To the Prague Fa Conference 10/2/2005
9/25/2005 Walk Straight Your Path 9/25/2005
9/18/2005 To all Dafa disciples around the world and in mainland China, a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! 9/18/2005
9/1/2005 Shed the Human Mindset 9/1/2005
7/20/2005 Study the Fa Well, and Getting Rid of Attachments is Not Hard 7/20/2005
6/12/2005 To the European Fa Conference in Stockholm 6/12/2005
2/15/2005 Turning the Wheel Towards the Human World 2/15/2005
2/9/2005 New Year's Greetings 2/9/2005
1/26/2005 We Are Not "Getting Political" 1/26/2005
1/15/2005 To the 2005 European Experience Sharing Conference 1/15/2005
10/11/2004 My Version of a "Stick Wake-up" 10/11/2004
9/28/2004 Greetings 9/28/2004
9/19/2004 Master's Comment on a Student's Article 9/19/2004
9/19/2004 In Fa-Rectification Your Thoughts Have to be Righteous, Not Human 9/19/2004
9/1/2004 Let Go of Human Attachments and Save the World's People 9/1/2004
7/19/2004 On Reading Weathering the Storm 7/19/2004
6/20/2004 Master's Message to the European Fa Conference Held in Vienna 6/20/2004
6/20/2004 To the Fa Conference in Montreal, Canada 6/20/2004
5/31/2004 Master's Comment on a Student's Article 5/31/2004
5/8/2004 Be Clearheaded 5/8/2004
3/16/2004 Eliminate the Dark Minions With Righteous Thoughts 3/16/2004
2/15/2004 Stop the Evil Acts with Righteous Thoughts 2/15/2004
1/19/2004 Master's Fa Taught in the International Teleconference 1/19/2004
12/31/2003 Master's New Year's Day 2004 Greeting to Dafa Disciples 12/31/2003
11/15/2003 Master's Comment on a Student's Article 11/15/2003
11/1/2003 Master's Comment on a Student's Article 11/1/2003
8/29/2003 Master's Comment on a Student's Article 8/29/2003
2/16/2003 Master's Comment on a Student's Article 2/16/2003
1/31/2003 New Year's Greetings to Dafa Disciples in 2003 1/31/2003
12/31/2002 New Year's Greetings from Master 12/31/2002
10/13/2002 Righteous Thoughts 10/13/2002
9/14/2002 The Net is Tightening 9/14/2002
9/1/2002 Be Clearheaded 9/1/2002
8/21/2002 Hurry Up And Tell Them 8/21/2002
5/13/2002 Tathagata 5/13/2002
6/21/2002 Comments on the Article "Some Ideas From Discussions Among Students Who Have Participated in the Sit-In Appeals in Front of the Chinese Embassies and Consulates" 6/21/2002
5/30/2002 A Righteous God 5/30/2002
6/16/2002 The Heavens Become Clear Again 6/16/2002
5/30/2002 The Difficult Path to Godhood 5/30/2002
5/29/2002 Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions 5/29/2002
5/13/2002 Entering the Gate of No-Life 5/13/2002
5/19/2002 The Blessings From Dafa 5/19/2002
4/25/2002 Dafa is Good 4/25/2002
3/8/2002 Look at Things with Righteous Thoughts 3/8/2002
2/11/2002 All Dafa disciples around the world, Happy New Year! 2/11/2002
2/5/2002 Just a Play 2/5/2002
2/1/2002 Congratulatory Statement to the New York Fa Conference 2/1/2002
2/1/2002 The Big Stage 2/1/2002
1/31/2002 The Cleansing 1/31/2002
1/23/2002 Cleaning Out 1/23/2002
1/22/2002 The Catastrophe 1/22/2002
12/30/2001 The Foretelling 12/30/2001
  NOTE: Articles from 2001 and earlier can be found in Essentials For Further Advancement and Essentials for Further Advancement Vol. II  
Pub. Date Title/View Online PDF
Last Updated
---- Collected Writings for printing: 2007 to 2009 212 K 242 K 5/2009
---- Collected Writings for printing: 2005 and 2006 827 K 841 K 8/2007
---- Collected Writings for printing: 2003 and 2004 1.4 M 1.5 M 8/2007
---- Collected Writings for printing: 2001 and 2002 181 K 152 K 8/2007
09/05/2010 Fa Teaching Given at the 2010 New York Fa Conference
---- 10/21/2010
7/24/2010 Be More Diligent
---- 8/01/2010
6/29/2010 Stirred by Reflection
---- 6/29/2010
12/26/2009 To the First Fa Conference in India
---- 12/26/2009
11/22/2009 To the European Fa Conference
---- 11/22/2009
10/17/2009 Fa Teaching Given at the Epoch Times Meeting
---- 11/15/2009
10/2009 To the Brazil Fa Conference
---- 10/31/2009
9/27/2009 To the Midwestern US Fa Conference
---- 9/28/2009
9/03/2009 Fa Teaching Given at the Fa Conference Marking the Tenth Anniversary of the Minghui Website's Founding
---- 9/15/2009
8/04/2009 Be Vigilant
---- 8/05/2009
7/18/2009 Fa Teaching at the 2009 Washington DC International Fa Conference
---- 7/26/2009
6/07/2009 Fa Teaching at the 2009 Greater New York International Fa Conference
---- 7/26/2009
6/06/2009 Fa Teaching Given at the NTDTV Meeting
---- 8/20/2009
5/17/2009 Greetings
---- 5/17/2009
11/16/2008 Again Wishing a Complete Success to the European Fa Conference
---- 11/26/2008
5/24/2008 Fa Teaching at the 2008 New York Conference
---- 06/22/2008
Zhuan Falun (Volume II) 155K 201K 06/03/2008
04/14/2008 Clarification ---- ---- 04/15/2008
02/26/2008 Sifting of the Sand ---- ---- 02/26/2008
02/06/2008 Greetings ---- ---- 02/08/2008
12/15/2007 Greetings ---- ---- 12/15/2007
11/21/2007 To the France Fa Conference ---- ---- 11/21/2007
09/23/2007 To the European Fa Conference ---- ---- 09/23/2007
09/22/2007 To the Midwest Fa Conference in Minnesota ---- ---- 09/22/2007
07/22/2007 Fa Teaching at the U.S. Capital ---- ---- 07/31/2007
05/19/2007 To the Canada Fa Conference ---- ---- 5/19/2007
04/13/2007 On the Novel The Cosmos's Calamity ---- ---- 4/13/2007
04/07/2007 Fa Teaching at the 2007 New York Fa Conference ---- ---- 05/05/2007
02/28/2007 Disintegrate Completely All the Meddling Deities in the Three Realms that Have a Hand in Interfering with Fa-Rectification ---- ---- 2/28/2007
02/21/2007 Further Remarks on "Politics" ---- ---- 2/21/2007
01/01/2007 My Thanks to Sentient Beings Who Have Sent Greetings ---- ---- 1/1/2007
11/18/2006 To the Australia Fa Conference ---- ---- 11/18/2006
10/24/2006 Thoroughly Dissolve the Evil ---- ---- 10/24/2006
Hong Yin Vol. II 80K 250K 8/23/2006
Hong Yin Vol. II (Translation Version B) 94K 248K 8/23/2006
07/22/2006 Teaching the Fa at the Fa Conference at the U.S. Capital ---- ---- 08/03/2006
07/01/2006 Opening the Gate of the World ---- ---- 7/1/2006
07/01/2006 Falun Gong (5th Translation Edition) 1.8 M 1.2 M 03/15/2007
07/01/2006 The The Great Consummation Way of Falun Dafa 977 K 1.0 M 05/17/2007
06/25/2006 To the Chicago Fa Conference ---- ---- 6/25/2006
06/15/2006 For the Good of the World ---- ---- 6/15/2006
05/28/2006 Teaching the Fa in Canada, 2006 ---- ---- 06/10/2006
05/26/2006 The Ukraine Fa Conference ---- ---- 5/26/2006
05/09/2006 Pass the Deadly Test ---- ---- 5/9/2006
03/26/2006 Fa Teaching Given in Manhattan ---- ---- 09/27/2009
02/25/2006 Teaching the Fa in the City of Los Angeles ---- ---- 04/01/2006
02/09/2006 Eliminating the Evil ---- ---- 2/9/2006
12/31/2005 Congratulatory Message ---- ---- 12/31/2005
12/17/2005 A Reply to the Dafa Disciples of Peru ---- ---- 12/17/2005
12/03/2005 To the Israel Fa Conference ---- ---- 12/3/2005
12/01/2005 Zhuan Falun Fajie - The Law of Zhuan Falun Explained 461 K 638 K 12/19/2005
11/05/2005 Teaching the Fa in San Francisco, 2005 ---- ---- 01/26/2006
10/29/2005 Mature ---- ---- 10/29/2005
10/19/2005 The Red Tide's Wane ---- ---- 10/19/2005
10/08/2005 The Closer to the End, the More Diligent You Should Be ---- ---- 10/8/2005
10/02/2005 To the Prague Fa Conference ---- ---- 10/2/2005
10/01/2005 Essentials for Further Advancement II 382 K 463 K 10/21/2005
09/25/2005 Walk Straight Your Path ---- ---- 9/25/2005
09/18/2005 To all Dafa disciples around the world and in mainland China, a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! ---- ---- 9/18/2005
09/01/2005 Shed the Human Mindset ---- ---- 9/1/2005
Hong Yin (Translation Version A) 75K 287K 8/04/2005
Hong Yin (Translation Version B) 115K 262K 8/04/2005
07/20/2005 Study the Fa Well, and Getting Rid of Attachments is Not Hard ---- ---- 7/20/2005
06/26/2005 Teaching the Fa in the City of Chicago ---- ---- 10/22/2005
06/12/2005 To the European Fa Conference in Stockholm ---- ---- 6/12/2005
05/22/2005 Teaching the Fa at the 2005 Canada Fa Conference ---- ---- 10/22/2005
04/24/2005 Teaching the Fa at the 2005 Manhattan International Fa Conference ---- ---- 10/22/2005
02/26/2005 Teaching the Fa at the Western U.S. International Fa Conference ---- ---- 10/22/2005
02/15/2005 Turning the Wheel Towards the Human World ---- ---- 2/15/2005
02/09/2005 New Year's Greetings ---- ---- 2/9/2005
01/26/2005 We Are Not "Getting Political" ---- ---- 1/26/2005
01/15/2005 To the 2005 European Experience Sharing Conference ---- ---- 1/15/2005
11/21/2004 Teaching the Fa at the 2004 International Fa Conference in New York ---- ---- 10/22/2005
10/11/2004 My Version of a "Stick Wake-up" ---- ---- 10/11/2004
09/28/2004 Greetings ---- ---- 9/28/2004
09/19/2004 In Fa-Rectification Your Thoughts Have to be Righteous, Not Human ---- ---- 9/19/2004
09/19/2004 Master's Comment on a Student's Article ---- ---- 9/19/2004
09/01/2004 Let Go of Human Attachments and Save the World's People ---- ---- 9/1/2004
07/24/2004 Teaching the Fa at the 2004 Washington DC Fa Conference ---- ---- 08/01/2004
07/19/2004 On Reading Weathering the Storm ---- ---- 7/19/2004
06/20/2004 Master's Message to the European Fa Conference Held in Vienna ---- ---- 6/20/2004
06/20/2004 To the Fa Conference in Montreal, Canada ---- ---- 6/20/2004
05/31/2004 Master's Comment on a Student's Article ---- ---- 5/31/2004
05/23/2004 Teaching the Fa at the 2004 Chicago Conference ---- ---- 06/10/2004
05/08/2004 Be Clearheaded ---- ---- 5/8/2004
04/12/2004 Teaching the Fa at the Meeting with Asia-Pacific Students ---- ---- 06/21/2004
04/11/2004 Teaching the Fa on Easter, 2004, at the New York Fa Conference ---- ---- 05/03/2004
03/16/2004 Eliminate the Dark Minions With Righteous Thoughts ---- ---- 3/16/2004
02/28/2004 Teaching the Fa at the 2004 Western U.S. Fa Conference ---- ---- 05/02/2004
02/15/2004 Stop the Evil Acts with Righteous Thoughts ---- ---- 2/15/2004
01/19/2004 Master's Fa Taught in the International Teleconference ---- ---- 1/19/2004
12/31/2003 Master's New Year's Day 2004 Greeting to Dafa Disciples ---- ---- 12/31/2003
11/29/2003 Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Atlanta Fa Conference ---- ---- 03/19/2004
11/15/2003 Master's Comment on a Student's Article ---- ---- 11/15/2003
11/01/2003 Master's Comment on a Student's Article ---- ---- 11/1/2003
08/29/2003 Master's Comment on a Student's Article ---- ---- 8/29/2003
07/21/2003 Teaching the Fa at the Meeting on Writing Music ---- ---- 12/21/2005
07/21/2003 Teaching the Fa at the Discussion on Creating Fine Art ---- ---- 10/19/2003
07/20/2003 Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Washington DC Fa Conference ---- ---- 08/05/2003
06/22/2003 Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Midwest-U.S. Fa Conference ---- ---- 07/19/2003
05/18/2003 Teaching the Fa at the Conference in Vancouver, Canada, in 2003 ---- ---- 07/14/2003
04/20/2003 Teaching and Explaining the Fa at the Metropolitan New York Fa Conference ---- ---- 04/06/2003
04/01/2003 Falun Gong (Chapter 4 and 5 replaced by "The Great Consummation Way of Falun Dafa") 1.1 M 1.3 M 03/24/2003
02/16/2003 Master's Comment on a Student's Article ---- ---- 2/16/2003
02/15/2003 Fa-Lecture During the 2003 Lantern Festival at the U.S. West Fa Conference ---- ---- 03/09/2003
02/15/2003 Explaining the Fa During the 2003 Lantern Festival at the U.S. West Fa Conference ---- ---- 07/05/2003
01/31/2003 New Year's Greetings to Dafa Disciples in 2003 ---- ---- 1/31/2003
12/31/2002 New Year's Greetings from Master ---- ---- 12/31/2002
11/03/2002 Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Philadelphia, U.S.A. ---- ---- 10/22/2005
10/13/2002 Righteous Thoughts ---- ---- 10/13/2002
09/14/2002 The Net is Tightening ---- ---- 9/14/2002
09/01/2002 Be Clearheaded ---- ---- 9/1/2002
08/21/2002 Hurry Up And Tell Them ---- ---- 8/21/2002
07/22/2002 Teaching the Fa at the Washington, D.C. Fa Conference ---- ---- 08/11/2002
06/21/2002 Comments on the Article "Some Ideas From Discussions Among Students Who Have Participated in the Sit-In Appeals in Front of the Chinese Embassies and Consulates" ---- ---- 6/21/2002
06/16/2002 The Heavens Become Clear Again ---- ---- 6/16/2002
05/30/2002 A Righteous God ---- ---- 5/30/2002
05/30/2002 The Difficult Path to Godhood ---- ---- 5/30/2002
05/29/2002 Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions ---- ---- 5/29/2002
05/19/2002 The Blessings From Dafa ---- ---- 5/19/2002
05/13/2002 Entering the Gate of No-Life ---- ---- 5/13/2002
05/13/2002 Tathagata ---- ---- 5/13/2002
04/27/2002 Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Boston ---- ---- 06/14/2002
04/25/2002 Dafa is Good ---- ---- 4/25/2002
03/08/2002 Look at Things with Righteous Thoughts ---- ---- 3/8/2002
03/01/2002 Guiding the Voyage 125 K 169 K 03/22/2002
03/01/2002 Touring North America to Teach the Fa ---- ---- 10/22/2005
02/11/2002 All Dafa disciples around the world, Happy New Year! ---- ---- 2/11/2002
02/05/2002 Just a Play ---- ---- 2/5/2002
02/01/2002 The Big Stage ---- ---- 2/1/2002
02/01/2002 Explaining the Content of Falun Dafa 329 K 326 K 02/03/2002
02/01/2002 Congratulatory Statement to the New York Fa Conference ---- ---- 2/1/2002
01/31/2002 The Cleansing ---- ---- 1/31/2002
01/23/2002 Cleaning Out ---- ---- 1/23/2002
01/22/2002 The Catastrophe ---- ---- 1/22/2002
12/30/2001 The Foretelling ---- ---- 12/30/2001
12/29/2001 Fa-Lecture at the Conference in Florida, U.S.A. ---- ---- 10/06/2005
04/01/2001 Essentials for Further Advancement 270 K 290 K 04/17/2001
04/01/2001 Falun Gong 1.1 M 1.2 M 04/24/2001
03/01/2000 Zhuan Falun (Translated by US Practitioners) 893 K 867 K 08/04/2003
06/26/1999 Teaching the Fa at the Conference in the Midwest-U.S. 133 K 172 K 01/15/2007
05/23/1999 Teaching the Fa at the Conference in Canada 164 K 205 K 10/20/2006
05/08/1999 Teaching the Fa at the Conference in New Zealand 167 K 194 K 09/26/2006
05/02/1999 Teaching the Fa at the Fa Conference in Australia 240 K 202 K 09/15/2006
03/27/1999 Teaching the Fa at the Eastern U.S. Fa Conference 208 K 235 K 09/26/2005
02/21/1999 Teaching the Fa at the Western U.S. Fa Conference 256 K 266 K 09/03/2006
09/04/1998 Teaching the Fa at the Conference in Switzerland 291 K 236 K 09/20/2005
08/22/1998 Teaching the Fa at the Conference in Singapore 245 K 207 K 11/07/2004
07/26/1998 Teaching the Fa at the Assistants' Fa Conference in Changchun 189 K 223 K 08/08/2004
05/30/1998 Teaching the Fa at the Conference in Europe 230 K 255 K 07/10/2004
03/29/1998 Lecture at the First Conference in North America 230 K 210 K 01/15/2007
01/01/1997 Lectures in the United States 150 K 234 K 12/09/2001
11/11/1996 Teaching the Fa at the International Experience-Sharing Conference in Beijing 76 K 85 K 01/15/2007
10/12/1996 Teaching the Fa at the Conference in Houston 256 K 247 K 01/15/2007
10/05/1996 First Fa Teaching Given in the United States 79 K 106 K 04/03/2007
07/28/1996 Teaching the Fa at the Founding Ceremony of the Singaporean Falun Dafa Association 72 K 90 K 02/19/2007
08/03/1996 Lecture in Sydney 240 K 234 K 11/14/1999

Brief Introduction to Falun Dafa

Falun Dafa (also called Falun Gong) is an advanced practice of Buddha school self-cultivation, founded by Mr. Li Hongzhi, the practice’s master. It is a discipline in which “assimilation to the highest qualities of the universe—Zhen, Shan, Ren (Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance)—is the foundation of practice. Practice is guided by these supreme qualities, and based on the very laws which underlie the development of the cosmos.” Master Li’s teachings are set forth in a number of texts, among which are included Falun Gong, Zhuan Falun, The Great Perfection Way of Falun Dafa, Essentials for Further Advancement, and Hong Yin (The Grand Verses). These and other works have been translated into thirty-eight languages, and are published and distributed worldwide.

The focus of Falun Dafa practice is the mind, with the cultivation of one’s mind and thoughts, or “Xinxing,” being singled out as the key to increasing Gong energy. The height of a person’s Gong is directly proportionate to that of his Xinxing. The concept of “Xinxing” encompasses the transformation of virtue (a white form of matter) and karma (a black form of matter). It also includes forbearance, discernment, and abandonment—that is, forsaking ordinary human desires and attachments, and managing to endure the most trying of ordeals. Much is encompassed by the concept.

Falun Dafa also includes the cultivation of the body, which is accomplished by performing specific exercises. One purpose of the exercises is to strengthen the practitioner’s supernatural abilities and energy mechanisms by means of his or her powerful Gong force. Another purpose is to develop many living entities in the practitioner’s body. In advanced practice, the Immortal Infant will come into being and many abilities will be developed. The exercises of Falun Dafa are necessary for the transformation and cultivation of such things. A comprehensive mind-body cultivation system such as this requires both self-cultivation and physical exercises, with cultivation taking priority over exercises. A person’s Gong simply will not increase if he or she merely does exercises while failing to cultivate Xinxing. The exercises are thus a supplemental means to achieving spiritual perfection.

Falun Dafa involves the cultivation of a Falun, or “law wheel.” The Falun is an intelligent, rotating entity composed of high-energy matter. The Falun that Master Li Hongzhi plants in a practitioner’s lower abdomen from other dimensions rotates constantly, twenty-four hours a day. (True cultivators can acquire a Falun by reading Master Li’s books, watching his 9-session lectures on video, listening to his 9-session lectures on audiocassette, or studying together with students of Falun Dafa.) The Falun helps practitioners to practice automatically. That is, the Falun refines the practitioner at all times, even though he or she isn’t performing the exercises at every moment. Of all practices made public in the world today, only Falun Dafa has managed to achieve a state in which, “the Fa refines the person.”

The rotating Falun has the same qualities as the universe, and is the universe’s miniature. The Buddhist Falun, the Daoist Yin-Yang, and everything of the Ten-Directional World are reflected in the Falun. The Falun provides salvation to the practitioner when it rotates inward (clockwise), since it absorbs a great amount of energy from the universe and transforms it into Gong energy. The Falun provides salvation to others when rotating outward (counter-clockwise), for it releases energy that can save any being and rectify any abnormal condition. Being in the presence of someone who practices thus benefits a person.

Falun Dafa “brings a person to a state of wisdom and harmonious existence. The movements of the practice are concise, as a great way is extremely simple and easy.” Falun Dafa is unique in eight ways:

1. A Falun is cultivated, rather than an energy elixir.

2. The Falun refines the person even when he or she is not doing the practice’s exercises.

3. One’s primary consciousness is cultivated, such that it is the person him or herself who obtains Gong energy.

4. Both mind and body are cultivated.

5. The practice consists of five exercises, which are simple and easy to learn.

6. The mind is not used to direct anything, there are no associated risks, and Gong energy increases quickly.

7. Location, time, and direction are not of concern when exercising, nor is how one concludes one’s exercise session.

8. Protection is provided by the master's Fashen, so one needn’t fear harm from malevolent entities.

The teachings of Falun Dafa are thus completely unlike those of conventional practice methods or those that are based on the development of an internal elixir, or Dan.

Falun Dafa practice begins at a high plane right from the outset, thus providing the most expedient, fast, ideal, and precious means of practice for those with a predestined connection or who have been practicing for years using other means but failed to develop Gong.

When a practitioner’s Xinxing and the strength of his Gong reach a certain height, he or she can attain an imperishable, adamantine body while still in the secular world. A person can also achieve the “unlocking of Gong,” enlightenment, and ascension of the whole person to higher planes. Those with great determination should study this upright teaching, strive to achieve their ultimate rank, elevate their Xinxing, and forsake their attachments. Only then is spiritual perfection possible.

May you cherish it—the Buddha Fa is right before you.